I-74 Mississippi Bridge: Lower temperature delivered over 36+ hour pours

Low temperature delivered over 36+ hour pours for high specification concrete on complex piers and footings


  • 55° F / 10° C
  • I-74 bridge expansion over the Mississippi River
  • Anticipated 99,900 vehicles per day
  • Customers: Major Ready Mix Producer and State DOTs


  • High specification concrete on complex piers and footings
  • Previous liquid nitrogen application over-promised and under-delivered, costing the customers time and money.
  • Slow barge to point of placement
  • 100 yard/hour (91m3/hour) pours


NITROcrete™ delivered low temperature concrete over 36+ hour pours, ensuring that the customer maintained cooling during slow transport to the point-of-placement, and kept schedule compliance with the desired 100 yard/hour batch rate.

Even as ambient temperature rose throughout the pour, automation kept temperature controlled without slowing down operations for cooling

About NITROcrete™

NITROcrete is the world leader in concrete temperature control. In 2012, what started as a jobsite problem for a partner evolved into a solution that is revolutionizing the concrete industry. The team listened, tested, developed prototypes, and made adjustments. Then they listened more, tested more, and in 2017, after 5 years of R&D, they introduced NITROcrete, a comprehensive concrete solution born directly out of the concrete industry.

The largest concrete companies in the world now use NITROcrete to simplify their processes, streamline their operations, and grow their bottom lines. NITROcrete provides a comprehensive concrete solution–cooling, system management, and support–which gives its worldwide industry partners unmatched efficiency, control, and peace of mind.