Safer For People

Concrete construction safety to protect the workers who build our communities.

Keeping Concrete Workers Safe

NITROcrete replaces ice with safer, easier automated liquid nitrogen cooling. The status quo for concrete cooling risks injury and strain to workers.

Learn more about how our customers protect their teams and keep their construction sites safer.


With NITROcrete our industry partners have

Improved workability,
even in hot weather concreting
Delivered project cost-savings
in the six figure range
Finished mass concrete pours
in half the time
Achieved stringent
temperature specifications
Protected countless
from injury


Liquid nitrogen applied during
the batching process
 to eliminate delays
Automated dosing that maintains
temperature control
Seamless equipment
and software integration

Concrete Cooling for the 21st Century

The photo on the left was taken in the 1830s. The photo on the right was taken last year.

It’s time for a change. Conventional cooling holds customers back from the efficiency and safety they need for their projects.

In 2012, when a customer approached us asking for a better way to cool concrete, we rose to the challenge by bringing concrete cooling into the 21st century. For hundreds of years, cooling concrete relied on bagged ice or ice blocks to bring mix temperatures to meet specification. And for centuries, as any ready mix producer would agree, ice cooling caused notorious hassles for concrete production.

Hassles that range from the irritation of opening hundreds of bags, to the dangers of worker injury. Workers have lost fingers, strained their backs, and sustained lifelong injuries from hauling and handling ice.

By automating cooling with NITROcrete™, concrete operators protect their workers from potential injury.

More energy for what matters

With safer work, more dads get to play catch with their daughters after work because they didn’t tear their rotator cuff. Without strained muscles, more neighbors can mow their 87-year-old friends’ yards every Saturday in summer because they aren’t stuck in a back brace.

When workers stay safe and avoid injury at work, success gets measured by every life-altering disaster that our customers prevent by switching to NITROcrete—and by every goodness that fills workers’ lives, instead.

How NITROcrete™
Automates Temperature control

Liquid Nitrogen Application
Systems & Software Integration
Logistics & Supply Chain Automation

Liquid Nitrogen Dosage That Adapts While Batching


By cooling during batching, NITROcrete simultaneously removes downtime and introduces temperature control that adapts to changing conditions. In this manner, liquid nitrogen is delivered similar to an admixture.


Precision dosage of liquid nitrogen allows producers to automate and adapt liquid nitrogen delivery to account for variables like ambient temperature.

Application to Aggregate


NITROcrete applies liquid nitrogen to the aggregate rather than the entire mix.


By applying the liquid nitrogen directly to the aggregate, temperature control permeates the mix. Aggregate contributes the most heat to the batch by mass; therefore, lowering aggregate temperature more effectively cools the whole mix – without changing the water content.

Cloud-Managed HMI & NITROvision Integration

Comprehensive Insight

The NITROvision automated system integrates with our onsite HMI to give producers more data and insight about their cooling processes. With greater awareness, NITROvision enables dependable, repeatable results for temperature control.

Reassurance & Telemetry

With a fully managed and automated system, our integrations allow tank-level monitoring and 24/7 support from analysts empowered with real-time information about conditions onsite. Telemetry enables remote awareness to monitor pressure, usage, equipment status, and run-ready capabilities.

Seamless Integration

Our software and HMI seamlessly integrate with all existing batching software brands. Integration supports wet or dry plants, 1-2 lane usage, and offers off-set & safety shut-down timers.

Ongoing Supply Chain Management

Planning and Analysis

With dosage and supply planning from NITROcrete’s dedicated analysts, we’ve solved the complicated logistics of liquid nitrogen delivery and planning. We streamline logistics with gas supply vendors and monitor dispatch status to ensure everything remains on schedule.

24/7 Monitoring

Our technical support analysts monitor performance daily. They perform routine health checks to ensure systems stay optimized for the desired temperature control. Automated alerts empower our team to provide quality support promptly.

Seamless Integration

Automate the supply chain with expert planning from our analysts. NITROfill enables cloud-based data to trigger liquid nitrogen ordering on the desired schedule. With automated supply monitoring, we offer another level of ease for temperature control.